Category: Other producers of official statistics
Area: ONAs
Survey / data collection: Annual registration of tax on income of natural persons

MONSTAT metadata
Reference metadata
  1. Contact
  2. Metadata update
  3. Statistical presentation
  4. Unit of measure
  5. Reference period
  6. Institutional mandate
  7. Confidentiality
  8. Release policy
  9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy and reliability
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and Comparability
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment

Note: For any question on metadata, please contact MONSTAT metadata support.

                                                                                     1. Contact                                                                           Vrh
1.1. Contact organization: Tax Administration
1.2. Contact organization unit: Tax Administration regional units, Tax Administration portal
1.2. Contact organization unit: ?arla de Gola 2, Podgorica, Crna Gora

                                                                                      2. Metadata update                                                                       Top
2.1. Metadata last certified:30 April 2020
2.2. Metadata last posted:29 December 2023
2.3. Metadata last update:30 April 2020

                                                                                3. Statistical presentation                                                                  Top
3.1. Data description:The data on number of tax-payers by types of income. Total taxable income of natural persons, average amount of taxable income, the highest/lowest invidiual amount of taxable income, taxable income from individual activity, taxable income from property and property rights.
3.2. Classification system:Nace.Rev.2/Nace.Rev.1
3.3. Sector coverage:Not relevant
3.4. Statistical concepts and
Not relevant
3.5. Statistical unit:Natural persons that perform an activity at the territory of Montenegro
3.6. Statistical population:Natural persons that perform an activity at the territory of Montenegro
3.7. Reference area:Montenegro
3.8. Time coverage:Since 2002
3.9. Base period:Not relevant

                                                                                      4. Unit of measure                                                                        Top
Total amount in euro.

                                                                                     5. Reference period                                                                       Top

                                                                                  6. Institutional mandate                                                                    Top
6.1. Legal acts and other
The Law on Official Statistics, Annual Plan of Official Statistics
6.2. Data sharing:Monstat

                                                                                        7. Confidentiality                                                                          Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy:Law on Tax Administration (Art.16, paragraph 2) ; Law on Protection of Personal Data ; Law on Statistics and Statistical System
7.2. Confidentiality - data
Articles 53-60 of the Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 18/12) provide a framework for protection, use, and transmission of confidential data. MONSTAT has produced two comprehensive rulebooks that cover the procedures for individual data protection as well as keeping individual records. With purpose of the meeting legal framework on functioning of security system and statistical confidentiality there was adopted the Rulebook on Keeping Statistical Data by which Manner, Time, Technical Conditions and Organization of Statistical Data Storage to Prevent Their Destroying, Misappropriation, and Unauthorised Use is Regulated as well as the Rulebook on Contents and Manner of Keeping Records on Users of Individual Statistical Data by which contents and manner of keeping records on users of individual statistial data is regular. Pursuant to the Article 59, an access to the confidential data is limited to persons performing duties and tasks of official statistical producer and up to the stage the data are necessary for official statistical production. Persons that performs duties and tasks within official statistical producers must sign the statement on respecting the principle of confidentiality. Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System is aligned with the Regulation No 223/2009 and the Regulation (EU) 2015/759 from 29 April 2015 that also regulate confidentiality provisions. The Government of Montenegro adopted the Statement on Commitment of Confidence in Official Statistics (Commitment of Confidence).

                                                                                        8. Release policy                                                                         Top
8.1. Release calendar:The data are published pursuant to the Statistical Release Calendar;
8.2. Release calendar - access:
8.3. User access:

                                                                            9. Frequency of dissemination                                                             Top
Not relevant

                                                                                  10. Accessibility and clarity                                                                Top
10.1. News release:Not relevant
10.2. Publications:
10.3. Online database:
10.4. Micro-data access:Not relevant
10.5. Other:

10.6. Documentation on methodology:
10.7. Quality documentation:Not accessible

                                                                                  11. Quality management                                                                 Top
11.1. Quality assurance:Not accessible
11.2. Quality assesment:Not available

                                                                                        12. Relevance                                                                              Top
12.1. User needs:Not relevant
12.2. User satisfaction:
12.3. Completeness:

                                                                                  13. Accuracy and reliability                                                              Top
13.1. Overall accuracy:Not relevant
13.2. Sampling error:Not relevant
13.3. Non-sampling error:Not relevant

                                                                              14. Timeliness and punctuality                                                          Top
14.1. Timeliness:06/01/2020
14.2. Punctuality:Not relevant

                                                                                      15. Coherence and Comparability                                                                          Top
15.1. Comparability -
Not relevant
15.2. Comparability over time:Not relevant

15.3. Coherence - cross
Not relevant
15.4. Coherence - internal:Not relevant

                                                                                        17. Data revision                                                                          Top
17.1. Data revision - policy:Not relevant
17.2. Data revision - practice:

                                                                                 18. Statistical processing                                                                 Top
18.1. Source data:CROO, CRPS, Tax Registration Register, Report on Payment of Tax Duty;
18.2. Frequency of data
18.3. Data collection:Reporting units: Paper registration; Electronically; Accounting of Tax Administration;
18.6. Adjustment:Not relevant


                                                                                           19. Comment                                                                             Top